Jym St. Pierre’s 38th Winter Trek

Feb 9 , 2023.

On Feb 9-13, I joined friends for my 39th winter trip in Baxter State Park. The first day, Thursday, we skied from Abol Bridge to Daicey Pond. Friday, we snowshoed from Daicey Pond to Big and Little Niagara Falls on Nesowdnehunk Stream. Saturday, after watching a fiery sunrise, we skied from Daicey Pond to Kidney Pond and back. We skied from Daicey Pond to Ceilia Pond near the west boundary of the Park on Sunday. Monday, we skied from Daicey Pond over hill and dale to Elbow Pond, then south on the Tote Road to Abol Beach and back to our vehicles at Abol Bridge. Total miles: 31.2. Total fun: 99.9% (a few minor mishaps are best forgotten).


A Day on the Traveler Loop


Baxter State Park in the age of extreme weather